Doubts and Questions
This week’s story is the story of Thomas’ unbelief of the other disciples telling him of Jesus’ resurrection.
Many people, when they read this story of the ‘Doubting Thomas’, they think of Thomas as someone with little faith who could not believe without seeing. I also grew up thinking faith is about believing in something regardless of my experience. That you’re supposed to believe what you’re told, and that you should not question it.
However, this story reminds of the importance of doubts and asking questions. Faith is a journey where we experience God in that journey. Along that journey, there are times to be firm, but there are also times to ask questions.
As you read this week’s story with your child(ren), encourage them to ask questions!
We hope you enjoy this week’s story!
To Do This Week:
- Read “Thomas Wants to See” (p. 278) with your children.
- Read John 20:19-31
Songs This Week:
TimBits (Preschool)
TimKids (Elementary)
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