Jesus and Zacchaeus
This week we will be reading together the story of Zacchaeus.
Many people recall the story of Zacchaeus, the short man who had to climb up a tree to see Jesus. The truth is, people hated Zacchaeus and called him a sinner because he was a tax collector. Tax collectors worked for the Roman government, and collected money from people on their behalf. They gave some of the money they collected to the Roman government, but they kept the rest for themselves. People did not trust tax collectors because they often cheated them to make more money for themselves. That is why Zacchaeus was hated so much. Nobody wanted to be with him and avoided him. That is why Zacchaeus had to climb a tree to see Jesus; because no body would let him come to the front.
Jesus saw the brokenness in Zacchaeus, and went to him. After meeting with Jesus, Zacchaeus found the heart to reconcile with the people by sharing everything he had. He found the heart to be generous and give back to the people.
When we meet Jesus, he shows us the brokenness we have inside, and helps us through love and grace to heal that brokenness.
We hope you enjoy reading this week’s story!
To Do This Week:
- Read “The Short Man” (p. 242, 243) with your children.
- Read Luke 19:1-10
Songs This Week:
TimBits (Preschool)
TimKids (Elementary)
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