Trust in God
This week, we will look at the life of Jeremiah.
Jeremiah received a call from God to be God’s messenger to deliver God’s message to the people. However, Jeremiah resisted because he did not feel ready. He thought he was too young and didn’t have the skills to be God’s messenger.
But God reassures Jeremiah, saying to him; “I knew you since you were in your mother’s womb. I know you better than anyone else.” God gave Jeremiah the courage to accept his call.
We are all called to serve God’s kingdom in some way. But sometimes we want to back out from that calling because we don’t feel ready. We don’t feel we have the right skills or if we are the right people for the job.
However, just as God provided for Jeremiah and gave him courage, God will also provide for us.
God knows us better than anyone else, including ourselves.
We hope you enjoy this week’s story!
To Do This Week:
- Read “Speak Up, Jeremiah” (p. 148, 149) with your children.
- Read Jeremiah 1:1-10, 31:31-34
Songs This Week:
TimBits (Preschool)
TimKids (Elementary)
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