Last Saturday, we held a gathering to spend some quality time with the young families of our church.
The morning started off with some of the YF families visiting the families of the newborn babies! The group drove by each house to deliver gifts for the newborns and to congratulate the parents. Congratulations to James and Sunny for baby Luca, to Minjoo and Adrian for baby Austin, and to Ruth and Steve for baby Karis!

After the drive-by, all the families came back to church for an outdoor gathering! For the first time since quarantine began, the Young Families had some time to catch up with one another and enjoy each others’ presences. The kids played with each other, and rode their bicycles in the parking lot. Everyone had a lot of fun, but of course with social distancing and extra precautions!
For lunch, everyone was given the option to either have a Chicken or Beef sub, provided courtesy of Will and Grace, and we also had refreshing drinks, provided by Grace and Josh. After lunch, the entire group enjoyed fellowship while having snacks, like fresh watermelon and ice cream sandwiches! The children really enjoyed the snacks, and it was perfect for the scorching, hot weather that day.
We would like to give our thanks to Will and Grace for providing lunch, Grace and Josh for providing drinks, and to Brim and Gail for providing snacks and coordinating the event. We would also like to thank Rev. Simon, Pastor Dave, Pastor James, the interns, and all the elders and dads that helped to set up in preparation for the event!
Can’t wait to see you again soon!
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