
The choir provides beautiful vocal music for our Sunday worship. Currently, there are approximately 20 members serving as part of the ESM choir.

Olivia Han - Choir Director

I joined music ministry as a praise team vocalist when I was in grade 7. At that time, I was just a kid who trained classically both in piano and vocal like other kids in Korea. But soon after, somehow I fell in love with lyrics of praises and decided to join the praise team. This growing passion led me in the musical path in church ministry till today. In grade 9 - when I came to Canada, I was the only Hi-C choir member in adult Chancel choir of Canadian Church in Mississauga.

I remember those awkward feelings among the group of adult singers, but with the love for the music, I remained in the choir and sang for 4 years until I went off to university to study music. Throughout my academic years to pursue degrees in music and education, I immersed myself in music by being part of music ministry, either by singing in a choir or conducting adult/children’s choir in the church. In 2011, I joined St. Tim’s KSM choir first and later in 2013 I asked to conduct ESM choir. It’s been 6 and a half years since I served ESM music ministry, and I still feel truly blessed to be an integral part of St. Tim’s community and to have the opportunity to praise with talented

To be frank, there was no enlightening or deep reason for me to serve on praise team or choir in the beginning. It was like many other professional Christian musicians, where I was simply asked to participate in service a lot. After while, serving in music ministry - all of a sudden - transformed into a big joy of my life, like God’s calling. I realized I can use my God given talent to serve God and I hope to continue to use it for God with lovely community that supports our music ministry.

My favourite part of being on choir is definitely people! I love the dynamics of our choir - unique and very pleasant - which I believe that it leads to create great music. With 20 different voices, we try our best to create well-balanced and well-blended harmonies every Sunday for God and for the congregation. We have the opportunities to listen to each other’s voices and experience the joy of creation. From those precious moments as we listen for each other, I am fortunate serve God and to learn to care by serving each other.

Mina Kim - Pianist

I started attending St Timothy and joined the choir as an accompanist in June 2019. It has already been more than a year now that I have been serving here… Time flies!

Since I was very little, I have always been involved in music ministry at my attending church in some sort of form. My whole family loves music, and they always served in music ministry too – my parents as singers in choir,

my brother as a cellist, and me as a piano accompanist. So it was quite natural for me to join a choir or praise team my whole life. As I get older, I feel even more grateful that I am able to worship God and serve people with the gift and talent that I got from Him.

My favourite part of being on St. Tim’s choir is the fact that I get to make music and sing the love of God together with such a great group of people who faithfully support and cherish each other. I have only attended the church for about a year now, but I feel truly at home and thankful to be in such a loving environment.