Scripture Passage 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Sermon Audio Message Text I know that this is a very busy time for many high school students. You have exams coming up, assignments due, and the stress levels are high. I pray that peace may be upon as you get through this very busy month. I hope that today’s […]
The Solid Foundation
Note: This message was delivered more as a discussion. There was a lot of back and forth, which is why there is no audio recording of this message. Nonetheless, the text below reflects the content of what was discussed. Scripture Passage Matthew 3:13-17 Message Text The holiday season has come and gone, and you’ve already […]
Hi-C Holiday Party
The Hi-C held a holiday party on December 30, 2016. It was held at James and Kee’s house. Thank you to Kee for preparing such delicious chicken and other great dishes! Other parents also contributed. Sarah Choe organized some fun games for the Hi-C along with great prizes! We also had a time of sharing […]
Knowing Myself in Context
This content of this post was delivered during the College Retreat of December 2016. The first two sections were more of a lecture and discussion format, while the last section was mostly discussion. To learn more about the College Retreat, please go to this link. To read a personal reflection about the retreat, go to […]
College Retreat 2016
The Young Adult group has consisted of adults from college age up to working career folks. While this category catches a wide swath of people, it can leave people feeling rootless. Thus, the decision was made to focus on the specific needs of College-aged students. The first initiative for such efforts was a College Group […]
God Will Make a Way
Scripture Passage Matthew 1:18-25 Message Audio Message Text Christians believe that God came to earth in human form in the person of Jesus. During Advent we wait for the coming of the Lord. Today’s message is about how God chose a “scandalous” situation and way to come into this world. And through this message I […]