Sermon Audio Sermon Text Luke 15:1-7 Today’s passage made me think about a number of things. Whenever I prepare for a Hi-C message, I read the Scripture passage and I try to think about what you’re going through. I believe that the Bible and our faith has so much to say about life. […]
We Will Serve the Lord
Sermon Audio Sermon Text Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 Last week we talked about the end of Moses’ life. We talked about how God’s story didn’t end with Moses, but that it continued. The next generation was led by Joshua. Joshua was the one who led the Hebrews into the Promised Land. They conquered Jericho and […]
Our Calling Into God’s Story
Scripture Passage Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Sermon Text Thank you very much choir and praise team. Uh, that was German, right? Alright. I mean, it’s wonderful. Isn’t it? That we get to worship God and in all sorts, all the variety of creation. So, that’s really how we praise and worship God. So thank you very much. […]
Our Story of Faith
Scripture Passage Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Sermon Audio Sermon Text Some of you like to read books. Others of us like to watch good tv shows or movies. What’s the common thing among these things? The common thing is that they are about stories. Stories are a central part of human beings. There is power […]
Relating to Difficult People
Bible Passage Philippians 2:1-5 Sermon Audio Sermon Text God created us to live in community and harmony with one another. The greatest gift from God that we can see and feel is the love we have for one another. When we feel the love, support and encouragement from those around us, we feel like […]
Helping Young People Discern Vocation
In our world today, so much of the focus is on our “career”. We’ve lost a sense of the meaning of “vocation”. Most of us probably don’t even know what that word really means. There are many definitions of the word “vocation” that abound. I offer a personalized definition of that word: an outward pattern […]