Jonah 3
Jonah 3 Paul asked the question: what does this story point to? Very relevant question The text of Scripture always points to a deeper truth In Gospel of John, he calls the miracles of Jesus as signs In other words, the focus was not to on the miracles themselves, but what they point to Not […]
Trust in the Lord
Scripture Passage Jeremiah 17:5-10 Worship Video Worship Audio Sermon Script Fraying the Bonds Friendship is more important than justice and the rule of law. That is what the Greek philosopher Aristotle said. When the bonds of friendship are strong, there is consent from the governed and trust in the rule of law. When these bonds […]
Jonah 1
Jonah 1 Our Unique Existence V.1: “Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah…” Jonah received a distinct word from God. The Bible doesn’t say exactly how this word came to him. Just that it did. Do you hear any such word spoken to you? How do we know when this happens? How […]
Jonah 2
Jonah 2 Background Info on Jonah Jonah = unique book Historical figure named Jonah son of Amittai in 1 Kings. But no historical reference to story. Most successful prophet, but most scholars have thought that Jonah is a metaphorical book. Life in the Boat vs. Life in the Ocean Thoughts from TBS Members: Jinny: […]