Dear heavenly Father, We thank you for bringing us together this Sunday morning for this precious time of Worship and Praise. In the midst of this global pandemic and the uncertainty we face, we trust and find hope in you. We thank you for keeping us safe, overlooking our re-opening plans, and for gradually bringing […]
Phase 1 Re-Opening: Sunday, August 9th
Last Sunday was our third and final hybrid in-person/zoom worship. It was also the day of our Graduation Ceremony for those graduating Kids’ Church, Hi-C, and at St. Andrew’s Humber Heights Presbyterian Church. During the Graduation Ceremony, Pastor James, Pastor Dave, and elder Narh Osutei from St Andrew’s Humber Heights Presbyterian Church, gave a speech […]
Phase 1 Re-Opening: Sunday August 2
The past Sunday marked our second gathering for our phase-one re-opening of the church! We were able to gather together to worship, both on Zoom and in-person, with members from our congregation and with St. Andrew’s Humber Heights Presbyterian Church. Being rained in didn’t stop us from enjoying fellowship with one another! We had a […]
Congregational Prayer by Brim Lee – August 2, 2020
Dear God, Thank you for bringing us together this week both in person and online to worship you. Lord, as we continue to phase in our in-person worship service, we pray for the continued safety and health of our congregation, our visitors, and our staff members of St Timothy. Lord, we welcome our brothers and […]
Congregational Prayer by Michelle Kim – July 26, 2020
Lord, we thank You for this community, that despite not being able to physically gather for months, we are kept strong and together within Your love and faithfulness. As the KSM have begun in-person worship services, and as we as an ESM slowly begin in-person service, may we keep You as the centre of our […]