Let us pray.
Lord, with so many things changing around us, we thank You for Your steadfast love, guidance and care.
As many aspects of our lives have changed, it’s often hard to make decisions and know what’s best for our families, our communities and for everyone; bless us with the assurance and the confidence in knowing You are guiding us with the right decision, and to trust in You.
We lift up prayers for the countries around the world; not only may they be dealing with COVID, but many are at war, have political unrest, gone through natural disasters and have divisions among their people. May You bring peace, healing and hope, to all people. Now, more than ever, we need Your guidance, Your strength and Your hope to carry us through this time.
We pray for the global church community and their leaders, as it is increasingly difficult to gather together as a community; may we all continue to seek You to worship and fellowship together, as one body.
We thank You that though we’ve been apart, You have blessed our community with many new, healthy babies – and more to come! May You be with all our new parents and keep their families healthy and strong. It’ll be a wonderful day when we can all meet together and hold these cute bundles of joy.
As our congregation went through the discernment process together in electing new Elders, we thank You, Lord, for being with us and guiding the nominees who prayerfully considered Eldership. We thank Grace and her family for accepting the nomination and for her open and willingness to serve and love this community.
As we prepare for the Advent season, let us come together as one community to learn more about You in the new four-week study. As we learn together, let us grow together in spirituality.
Be with Pastor Dave as he leads us with Your words on “Be Faithful.” May You open our ears and our hearts as Your teachings become real for our lives. Let us fix our eyes and our hearts on You.
We thank You and pray all these things in Your Name. Amen.
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