Scripture Passage John 15:1-8 Message Audio Message Notes The incident on Yonge Street Stemming from isolation Isolation that led to anger and hatred Implication: our own well-being and connectedness is important not only our own sake, but also for the well-being of those around us If we are happy and joyful in life, that will […]
Journey To Confidence
Scripture Passage Isaiah 50:4-9 Sermon Text What does it feel like when someone treats you badly When someone ridicules you Insults you Or puts you down It makes us feel badly; it stirs up great anger; it really affects us When I was in middle school, I had this really smart friend He knew […]
The Journey of Becoming
Preached to the Hi-C on Sunday, March 18, 2018. Scripture Passage Jeremiah 31:31-34 Message Text I hope you enjoyed your March Break Got some much-needed rest Sleep, eat, relax What a wonderful and blessed time we had at the retreat Some of you wrote beautiful reflections Time to connect, learn more about yourself and God […]
God for the Weak
Scripture Passage 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 {Transcript} Sermon Text Power Trip You look around the world today, and the powerful – they rule earth. The history of humanity is consisted of people trying to subjugate others into their control. Why? I asked this question to myself many times. Is this the fate of the world? Where […]
Hope in God’s Final Triumph
Scripture Passage 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Sermon Text Just like this past weekend, as elder John talked about, we had a really wonderful opportunity at our New Year Retreat to really reflect on what worship is. What is it to have our spirits meet God’s spirit, and also to really share some of the things that […]
This Is the Day That the Lord Has Made
Scripture Passage Genesis 2:1-3 Sermon Audio Sermon Text During the week, from Monday to Saturday, our lives our busy with many things. We toil away at school, going to classes, doing our homework, studying for tests. Some of you take music lessons. Others go to math or other supplementary classes. We do all of […]