Scripture Passage Luke 23:33-43 Sermon Text What is Salvation? Salvation is a very important question. We all ask this question about salvation. What is salvation? People at the cross also asked this question. There are different people at the cross. They all came for different reasons. The Roman soldiers were carrying out the execution of […]
New Hearts
Scripture Passage Isaiah 65:17-25 Sermon Text Isaiah’s Vision of new heavens and a new earth Today is Isaiah’s vision of new heavens and the new earth, all the description, It is a beautiful picture. I wish that this was our reality. One who dies at a hundred years will be considered a youth and one […]
Being Alive
Scripture Passage Luke 20:27-40 Sermon Text Levirate Marriage This passage is very little strange. It is not easy to logically follow the argument and I don’t think Jesus is really arguing for the resurrection. There are two big groups, in Jewish culture. One is Pharisees. The other said disease and Sarah say, did not believe […]
Indebted Heart
Scripture Passage Luke 17:5-10 Sermon Text Straying away from God Explain my life with two words, I will say indebted life. I feel indebted. No one can stand before God with absolute confidence because we all have our shortcomings because we are all sinners. That’s why Saint Paul said this “There is no one who […]
Thirsty Soul
Scripture Passage 1 Timothy 6:6-19 Sermon Text There are people who are generally happy and content in whatever situation they may be in. When I look at their situation, the situation is not very good, and yet they’re still happy and very content. But there are also people who are never content, who never feel […]
The Beauty of Repentance
Scripture Passage Luke 15:1-10 Sermon Text Jesus said this, “Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance”. This is Jesus’ attitude. And this is the attitude of God. This is the attitude of heaven and also attitude […]