By: Monica Park & Torrance Yoon
Hi-C is a time where real spiritual and personal growth occurs. We are so thankful to have had that space to grow at St. Tim’s! Read to the end to see Monica and Torrance’s personal reflections.
Stories of Faith was the theme of our 2019 ESM Summer Retreat.
Growing Up at St. Timothy: Hi-C
St.Timothy has a rich history that correlates with the grand timeline of Korea itself, through stories of faith, we can see how our church has evolved into what it is today, how it has helped generations upon generations settle and become comfortable with who they are, and ultimately strengthen their faith in God . The Hi-C community is no exception to the evolution of our community, it has done wonders for many generations of young Korean teenagers. The amazing commonality for all generations of Hi-C was its ability to adapt to different times and generations of youth, this can be seen through the different age groups and former Hi-C congregations. Hi-C has helped each and every one of us in a different way, yet one underlying trait it has formed for many, was its ability to strengthen confidence, leadership, care, and forge a path for a successful future for all of us.
Feeling Small
Growing up in St.Timothy’s Hi-C varied amongst which generation you were a part of, it was also dependant on the age of the Hi-C members. Through the perspective of Lauren and Jonathan, their generation of Hi-C was built on cliques and friend groups. Division was the defining trait of their generation of Hi-C, it separated the young from older youths, it was a lot like a popularity contest. One thing that all interviewees can agree on while first joining Hi-C; being the youngest, often many find themselves disconnected, or not involved in the Hi-C events and activities. Personally, my experience was harder for me. I joined a year early to Hi-C because I was the only grade 6 in kids church, so they decided to let me go to Hi-C, I felt disconnected, as I couldn’t connect with the sermons, or the people there. I felt like the friends I had in Hi-C were just the leftover outcasts from the cooler cliques and groups.
Jonathan Chung mentioned when he was younger that he didn’t really pay attention to sermons when he was younger. I think most of us can agree, as children we tend to ignore passages and sermons. In fact, most of our journeys in faith start after we reach the Hi-C. This is the time where we need the emotional support of the sermons. We are ready to start learning more detailed and look deeper into the meaning of passages. It was a place for us to grow up and take up leadership roles, develop skills, hobbies. Johnathan Cho shared that through the Hi-C, he was able to pursue his love for music through the praise team, as well as take leadership roles within the Hi-C. He mentioned without the Hi-C, his life would be lacking in his passion for music, his confidence in being able to lead, and his strength and faith in God. Hi-C is the foundation that holds the structure of our faith as we grow into adults. Lauren Lee went on a hiatus from church during her first year of university, she was going through a tough time, and she was unsure who to turn to, however the church came back to her, when she was asked to become a counsellor for the Hi-C summer retreat from pastor Simon. From then on, she has once again become a regular member of our congregation. Hi-C gives us all the opportunity to try things we would never normally attempt to do outside of our comfort zone. Although many Hi-C members agree that there was some division amongst the different age groups, as of recently connections between the younger and older ages has gotten much better. Monica Park can testify to the fact that the older peers act as mentors, building up the youths confidence to make them leaders, praise team members, and active members of the Hi-C. If anything, it has become easier for these younger Hi-C members to build up there confidence.
How did this change the way I think about faith?
What bless the Lord meant for the Hi-C, myself, and former members included, was the ability to unlock people’s inner passion, leadership, and strengthen confidence. Without realizing, we have been blessed time and time again by his love for us, most of us would not be confident in ourselves, our talents, our passions. God has taught us to enjoy a life of confidence while doing what we love.
– Torrance Yoon
Though my years in hi-c were limited to two short years, it really did have a crucial impact on my faith. Joining hi-c when I wasn’t the strongest in my faith journey, helped me get back on track. From Pastor Simon’s sermons to hi-c retreats, my two years apart of hi-c helped me learn more about not only God, but about myself too. Having a community like hi-c with you on your faith journey, really does help you both spiritually and mentally. Overall, I think my faith journey today is heavily influenced by my time in hi-c.
– Monica Park
Stories of Faith was the theme of our 2019 ESM Summer Retreat.
The only way to achieve happiness is to cherish what you have and forget what you don’t have