Scripture Passage
Worship Video
Sermon Audio
Choir Anthem
Sermon E-Book
Our interns have prepared an E-book version of this sermon. Enjoy!
Click to Read the Sermon E-Book!
St Timothy Presbyterian Church
Vibrant church in Etobicoke, Toronto with roots in the Korean immigrant community.
To the interns: Thank you for making the sermon available in an e-book. Is it possible for you to create an icon so one could get a print version for those of us who are still more tied to paper copies. (I know I should be breaking this habit, but I do print on the back of previously used paper.) Thanks,
Marg Henderson, St. Andrew’s
Hi Marg,
We can have the interns look into whether that’s possible. For now, if you click onto the e-book, you can print that out. Would that work for you as a temporary solution?
Thanks you,