In support of Daily Bread Food Bank, our church held a Food Bank Drive on Saturday June 27th in the church parking lot!

The day started off at 9am with preparations to maintain social distancing throughout the food drive. Tents were set up and the interns were geared up in masks and gloves to collect donations.

From 10am to 1pm, cars drove into the church parking lot. They were directed by Sarah at the front of the church to a tent. Once arrived at a tent, they parked and opened their trunk.

The interns then collected donations from the trunk and brought them inside. After stopping for a quick photo, the cars were allowed to drive away!

Below is a video recap of our food bank drive:
We would like to thank everyone who has participated in our food drive. It was a great success! We were able to fill four cars worth of donations due to the generosity of members from both our ESM and KSM congregations.

It was great to see everyone coming together to support others in need, despite the difficult circumstances that we are currently facing.

Thank you so much for your generosity!
– The Summer Interns

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