Scripture Passage Isaiah 9:1-4 Sermon Text Last Monday, January 20th, was Blue Monday. They said it was the most depressing day of the year. At the staff meeting, Dave said, “Somehow, this year started with a lot of darkness.” And that is so true. This year, somehow from the beginning, a lot of […]
Not Milk, But Solid Food
Scripture Passage 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 Sermon Text God has called all of us to bless one another. It is God’s gift, community is God’s gift, and in God’s blessing. We had a wonderful retreat. Thank you for all the participants, your insights, opinions, stories, and sharing meant a lot. That was what made […]
Becoming Together
Scripture Passage Jeremiah 31:7-14 Sermon Text As Simon said, we have 52 weeks in this year. Let us make 52 great offerings. Our worship is our offering to God. So 52 offerings, whether we do choir music or special music, sermon, prayer, we really put our effort into it. And then every Sunday becomes a […]
More than Being Righteous
Scripture Passage Matthew 1:18-25 Sermon Text Today is Christmas Sunday. May God’s joy and peace be with you and with your family. I believe that Christmas itself is a mystery. It was a scandal that God came to us in a human form, especially to Jewish people who believed in monotheism, that there is […]
Joy of Empowering Others
Scripture Passage Matthew 11:2-11 Sermon Text Today’s the third, Sunday of advent. On the third Sunday of advent, the theme is joy. Where do we get joy? Where do we get joy of life? When do we get joyful? When I watch sports games, I can see pure joy from the teams. The winning […]
Fear The Lord
Scripture Passage Isaiah 11:1-10 Sermon Text Jesus said, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell“. The Psalmist also said, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction“. The prophet Isaiah […]