John 21: 15-19 {Transcript} Sermon Text Today’s scripture is taken from John 21:15-19. This is right after Jesus resurrected from the grave. And then he met Thomas and other disciples. And then finally he’s having conversation with Peter and you know that Peter denied Jesus three times already. So you have to have that in […]
Power to Press On
Scripture Reading {Transcript} Sermon Text Power to Press On Happy Easter! Resurrection, that’s a difficult topic. Knowing resurrection is not like a knowing a computer or knowing forgiveness, resurrection, It’s hard to talk about it, no one can explain it. Maybe something that you cannot understand by explanation or visual presentation, we can never […]
Journey of Being Alone
Scripture Reading {Transcript} Sermon Text Loneliness is a Silent Killer of Modern Society Loneliness is a silent killer of modern society. I read a very interesting article on the Globe and mail written by Elizabeth Renzetti and in this article Amy Rokak, a psychologist and lecturer at York University who has been researching on this […]
Journey To Being Lonely
Scripture Passage Mark 11: 1-11
No One Can Live Without Forgiveness
Scripture Reading {Transcript} Sermon Text No One Can Live Without Forgiveness No one can live without forgiveness. Why? Because we’re not perfect. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. We all do things or did things we should have never done. We all said things we should never have said. We all hurt others […]
Suffering Brings Healing
Scripture Reading {Sermon} Scripture in Text Suffering for Others Sufferings I’m wondering what Christian saviour looks like, what Christian Messiah looks like. I think Isaiah portrayed Christian Messiah very Clearly. He carried our diseases, was wounded, was crushed upon him and was the punishment. That’s what Christian Messiah looks like and that is the Messiah […]