Are you interested in a stimulating and exciting summer? Ready to hone your skills and contribute in innovative ways? Then consider our St. Timothy Summer Internship for 2025.
Leadership Team (May to August)
Job Details and Descriptions
Disclaimer: Final exact time periods and pay is dependent on the decision of the government on funding.
Job Title: Leadership Team Member
Duration: May 20 – August 31 (13 weeks)
• May 20 – July 18 (9 weeks)
• August 18 – 22 (1 week)
• August 25 – 27 (1 week)
• June 29 – August 31 (2 weeks/10 Sundays)
Hours: 40 hours per week
Number of Positions: 5
Job Description:
The Leadership Team (LT) of St. Timothy Summer Internship will be the core leading group of this year’s internship. The members of LT will work closely with the pastors. Their work will revolve around three main areas:
- Planning and running the St. Tim’s Summer Camp – which will be held from July 2 to 18 (2 ½ weeks). They will be working alongside the Camp Counsellor interns during the camp.
- Volunteering at local mission and church agencies (e.g. Evangel Hall; The Presbyterian Church in Canada) and gaining exposure to the context and needs of our neighbouring communities and the wider denomination as a whole. They will also assist with the launch of Good Food Market – a new initiative for 2025 by St. Tim’s – during the summer months.
- Overseeing various church events over the summer, particularly the ESM Retreat (June 6-8), Sunday worship and fellowship, and teaching children in Sunday School while teachers take a break.. And in the final weeks of the internship (August 18-27), they will assist and attend the Kids Church retreat as counsellors, and prepare the church facilities for the fall season.
Camp Counsellor (June to August)
Job Details and Descriptions
Disclaimer: Final exact time periods and pay is dependent on the decision of the government on funding. You must be 15 years of age or older to apply.
Job Title: Camp Counsellor
Duration: June 23 – August 31 (10 weeks)
• June 23 – July 18 (5 weeks)
• July 21 – August 8 (3 weeks) – non-Sioux Valley
• August 5-22 (3 weeks) – Sioux Valley
• June 29 – August 31 (2 weeks/10 Sundays)
Hours: 40 hours per week
Number of Positions: 10
Job Description:
The Camp Counsellors of St. Timothy Summer Internship will work closely with the members of the Leadership Team (LT) and the pastors. Their responsibilities will include but are not limited to the following:
- Working with children and youths at the St. Tim’s Summer Camp – which will be held from July 2 to 18 (2 ½ weeks).
- Assisting with various activities around the church, particularly with the worship service, fellowship events on Sundays, and teaching children in Sunday School while teachers take a break. During the month of August, they will help prepare the church facilities for the fall season.
- Volunteering at the Good Food Market – St. Tim’s new local initiative which will be launching this summer. They will also be strongly encouraged to participate in this year’s Sioux Valley mission trip (July 28 – August 2) if they would like to gain exposure to the Indigenous communities in Canada.
All those who are hired will be required to attend the mandatory training session during the last week of June (June 23-27) at church.
To Apply:
Please submit a written response to the following questions (max. 1000 words):
- What interests and excites you about this position?
- How will you contribute to this year’s internship using your unique gifts and talents?
- What do you hope to gain through your experience this summer?
Please submit your responses by Friday March 28, 2025 to
If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Dave Lee at