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Sermon Text

Importance of Self-Isolation

Hold on a beautiful prayer. That was, We hear a lot about self-isolation. These days, many people are doing quarantine. They advise people who are traveling outside of Canada, including us to take two weeks of quarantine time. You read you have mild symptoms of a cold. They tell us to stay home. When a person is healthy or it has the potential to have the virus that person can have a quarantine. When the person finds out that he or she has a virus and he or she has to do self-isolation, people say that that is the right term to use. Trudeau’s wife, Sophie Trudeau at first quarantine herself, after a trip to London, then she was tested positive and she’s taking self-isolation and our prime minister Trudeau is taking a two-week quarantine. You do self-isolation or quarantine for other people, not necessarily for yourself, young and healthy people. Even if they’re infected with the coronavirus, they may have only mild symptoms and can recover very easily. But when they give that to vulnerable people, they can cause fetal damage. And that’s why we do self-isolation or quarantine.

What Alienation does to people

We thought that he, wasn’t very rare that an asymptomatic person can infect others, but now they discover that it is possible that asymptomatic person can also infect others. One thing we are cautious about is viruses because we don’t really know very well about this virus. The sad thing is in many places go, hospitals cannot take any more old. And we people who have the virus and anymore, because they don’t have beds and ventilators, they need to use these beds and ventilators for those who have a higher chance to survive. So they just leave them to die. That’s what happens when there are so many patients and therefore our health system cannot handle it. So the best way is to step to stop the spread earlier. It is important to flatten the curve, but the alienation is different. In the 17th century, Venice health workers searched the city and identified clay victims and shipped him off to abroad, to so-called hospital, where two-thirds of them die. That is alienation. The woman we slide into this scripture did not have science, self-isolation. She was alienated. She was alienated from the people of the village in alienating is painful. When you are alienated, you get scared of people. You don’t want to meet people. This morning, this woman came out at 12 noon. That is not the time to water to get water in some areas. They came up early in the morning. Usually, women did it, but they came up very early in the morning. Then not only they got water, but they also talk and the church had it together and have a great fellowship. But this woman came out at 12 noon on purpose because she knew that there will be no. She was afraid of meeting people.

Jesus love for us

Do you just come to this woman who felt so alienated? That’s who Jesus is. Jesus reaches out to those raided, abandoned, and ostracized. This woman was not kind and friendly to Jesus. At first, she wasn’t blunt. When Jesus said, I’ll give you the living water and she said you have no bucket and the well is deep. Where do you get that living water? But as the conversation got deeper, she realized that she just knew everything about her. That is Jesus for love. Jesus knows us very well. He loves us. Not because he doesn’t know us, even though he knows us so well, he still loves us. He knows our secrets, our weaknesses or shortcomings, and our dark. Yes and then in love sucks and Jesus treated her as those shorts as a car, they were talking to them about all the important subjects, including the worship because she was interested in worship.

Freedom from Alienation

When you see that she was not just an ordinary woman, she said our ancestors worship on the mountain on this mountain. But you say that the place where people must worship is in Jerusalem. And Jesus said the hour is coming. When you will worship the father, either on this mountain, or in Jerusalem, but in spirit and truth. When you read a passage very carefully, you see the development of this woman’s understanding of Jesus. At first, she said you’re Jewish or Jewish, and then sooner or later you’re Pravin. And in the end, she said, you are the ms side. As we build our relationship with Jesus, our understanding of Jesus gets paper. We come to a deeper understanding of Jesus and this understanding somehow frees us from our alienation. It becomes free from our failure after the conversation, what did she, uh, what did the woman to she throw away the water jar and went back to the village people or are they feel the very reason why she came out to draw water at? They weren’t the very people who alienator there were the people that she was very afraid of the meeting, but once she was freed from that fear shit, when back to the people and talked about it, Jesus, the fear is gone. She became free from alienation. Sometimes we feel lonely. Sometimes we feel that nobody understands us. Nobody loves us. And nobody cares for us. That’s when we experience deep loneliness. And that is when Jesus comes to us and Jesus tells us, I am with you. And he touched us. He heals us from loneliness, What Jesus did to us. They shouldn’t do it to each other.

]]> 0 Due to national efforts to contain the COVID-19 virus, we took the unprecedented of cancelling the in-person worship service and recording it for online worship instead. Please pray for the world as we deal with this crisis, may God’s peace be with us. Sermon Text Importance of Self-Isolation Hold on a beautiful prayer. That was, [...] No No 0:00 Rev. In Kee Kim