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Genesis 28:10-22

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Jacob was a cunning man. He was a trickster. Everything was negotiation for him. And negotiation for his own benefit.

He tricked his brother Esau. He tricked his father Isaac. He tricked his uncle Laban.

People don't change easily. I don't know whether their basic character ever changes much. It is true that their basic character may not change much but it can be not so damaging. It can be toned down.

When you look at today's passage, we can still see Jacob's old basic character.

If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat and clothing to wear, so that I come again to my father's house in peace, then the Lord shall be my God. (Genesis 28:20, 21)

He put his condition even at this moment. It is almost like negotiating with God.

Jacob tricked his brother, Esau, and took away his birth right. Esau was angry and he was about to kill him. So Jacob had to run away from his home.

Spiritual Voices

Jacob was different from Esau. He was a domesticated man. Esau was a hunter. But Jacob stayed home mostly. He was a kind of mama boy. He cooked well and so he lured his brother with his porridge.

Esau lived in the wild. He was used to it. He was familiar with the life in the wild. But not Jacob. He never lived in the wild. Now, Jacob was all alone, in the wilderness. He must have been scared. He must have been very lonely. His future was uncertain and precarious.

That is when we often meet God in a real way. When we feel all alone, when we feel scared, God becomes real. God's promise becomes real. You hear God's voice much more clearly. When life is good, you are surrounded by too much noises. Noise of your own ambition, your own pleasure, and your own confidence. But when you go through hard times, these noises quiet down and you hear spiritual voices.

That was what Jacob heard. He heard spiritual voices.

This was what Jacob said.

Surely the Lord is in this place and I did not know it! (Genesis 28:16)

That desolate place, lonely place, scary place was the place where God was. He didn't realize it but now he saw it clearly.

So he said,

How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven. (Genesis 28:17)

The miserable place became the gate of heaven.

A Sacred Place

Depending on what we see, the place we live can either be a miserable place or a gate of heaven. It is not the place itself that is sacred. It is what you see in that place. When you see God's presence in the place you are, that place becomes a sacred place.

You can live a miserable life or a sacred life, depending on what you see in your life. Yong Mi told me that today's anthem was written by Bon Hoeffer, the German theologian who was martyred by Hitler. Even the prison became a sacred place for him when he felt the gentle powers.

By gentle powers lovingly surrounded

With patience we’ll endure, let come what may

God is with us at night and in the morning

And certainly on every future day.

Olivia, you chose a beautiful song. She chose this song and asked me whether it would be appropriate for the Anniversary. As soon as I heard the song, I felt that it was the right song. And later, when I found out that it was written by Bon Hoeffer, one of my favourite theologians, I started working on my sermon around this anthem. Thank you, Olivia, and choir.

Reformation Sunday

Today is our anniversary Sunday. It is also Reformation Sunday. Our anniversary always falls on the Reformation Sunday. Last 26 years, God has blessed us so much. 26 years is not a short time. Through many ups and downs, God has been with us. There have been so many faithful Christians who loved this church and served this church with a sacrificial attitude. Their sacrifices have fertilized the soil where life could grow.

That was what Jacob heard very clearly.

Know that I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you. (Genesis 28:15)

That was what kept Jacob strong. He was young, weak, and vulnerable.But he held unto this promise.

Whenever his life was tough and felt like giving up, he remembered the promise that God would be with him. He believed that God would never leave him until he had done what he had promised him.

Faith is to Follow

That is what faith is. Faith is to trust in God's promise. Faith is not to follow life circumstances. Faith is to follow God's promises.

Because he believed that God would bring him back home, in the end, he decided to come back home, even though his brother was still there. Risking his life, he decided to come back home.

He knew that God would protect him and open the door for him. And God did. Esau let Jacob come home.

God's promise is powerful.

God has begun a good work through this church. God will never abandon us. God will be with us. God will carry on what he wants to do through this church. When we know that God is with us, this place will become a sacred place.

This church will be carried on by those who trust in God's promises.  They will carry on what God started. Their sacrifices will fertilize the soil where new life can grow.

Back Home

It is not by our wisdom and by our strength that this church will accomplish what it is built for. It is by God's wisdom and God's power that this church will accomplish what God wants to accomplish.

To do that, God will use people who trust in God's promises.

I believe what Bon Hoeffer said.

By gentle powers lovingly surrounded

With patience we’ll endure, let come what may

God is with us at night and in the morning

And certainly on every future day.

Trust in God's promises for you. You will not perish. He will be with you throughout your life. God will accomplish what he wants through you. God will bring you back home.

]]> 0 Scripture Passage Genesis 28:10-22 Worship Video Worship Audio Sermon Script Trickster Jacob was a cunning man. He was a trickster. Everything was negotiation for him. And negotiation for his own benefit. He tricked his brother Esau. He tricked his father Isaac. He tricked his uncle Laban. People don't change easily. I don't know whether their [...] No No 20:03 Rev. In Kee Kim