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Romans 12:12-13


Scripture in Text

Five Pillars of Life

Romans Chapter 12 verse 12 and 13 “Rejoice in hope. Be patient in suffering. Persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers”. I think this scripture shows us what good life is and how we should live daily. This kind of describes a beautiful, healthy and abundant life, almost like a guideline for our life on earth. These are five pillars of good life. These are what make anyone live a happy life, and I’d like to reflect upon those five pillars of life. The first, you have to be hopeful about life. Life can be tough and the reality may be very harsh, but you always have to have hope that there is a better tomorrow. There may be tears and agony today, but you have to believe that there will be laughters and healing tomorrow. This is why we need to have hope in our lives. Saint Paul said, Rejoice in hope and I believe that you can rejoice only in hope, in hope, by having things, by enjoying things you can not truly rejoice. The true joy comes from having full hope. When the hope dances, it is joy. When you have hope for tomorrow, you have joy today, you can not see tomorrow, but you can see joy today. When you see the invisible tomorrow with hope, no matter how hard life can be, you should never give up your dreams . That is good life number one, rejoice in hope.

Persevere in Suffering

Number two, learn to persevere in suffering. Suffering is inevitable, it is reality. We are bound to encounter suffering. There is no life without suffering. Trying to avoid suffering is not the wise thing to do. In that way, you become weak and passive and even turn into a coward. You don’t confront life’s real challenges when you try to avoid suffering. Jesus was not scared of suffering. He went through a lot of suffering, but he was not scared of suffering and he did not try to avoid suffering. He confronted the suffering without fear, so it is better to learn how to persevere in suffering rather than trying to avoid suffering. Suffering is not necessarily a bad thing that you should avoid at all cost, suffering is not evil. You have to believe that suffering can even have positive effects. That’s how Saint Paul saw suffering, this is what he said “But we also boast in our sufferings knowing that suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character and character produces hope and hope does not disappoint us . The suffering will not be with you forever. When the time comes, the suffering will end and those who have persevered will come out stronger, but when you go through suffering, you feel like the suffering will be with you forever and will never end, but any suffering will not be with you forever. Ultimately it will end, but for those who persevere, suffering will come out stronger. When we persevere through the pain and suffering, then we build character. Character makes us unique. Don’t fear the suffering. Don’t succumb to the pressure and give up. Persevere, suffering may even do good to you. Good life Number three, pray constantly. Praying is a beautiful thing. Praying opens up new possibility. I believe that I don’t know about you. I believe that life is full of mystery. That’s what I believe. I firmly believe that life is full of mystery. Then what is the best way to respond to the life of mystery? To me, it is prayer. The best way to respond to the mystery of life is prayer. Through prayer, you let go of your obsession to control, and I believe the number one cause of unhappiness is obsession to control, but through prayer you are liberated from that obsession to control. You don’t need to be in control all the time. Life is not controllable. When you don’t need to be in control, you experience peace and calm just because you tried to control your life. Your life doesn’t get any better. Sometimes there’s a equals better. When you don’t try to control it and you experience calm and peace, we become aware of what is important to you, what you want in life, and where you want to go. That’s what prayer does. People who pray, they know what they want in life. They know what life is all about, so they are awakened through prayer. They are aware of their life. Jesus always said, my time has not come yet, so he was always reading for time. He didn’t just respond to the situation or his life was not just drifted away by the circumstances he always looked for and waited for that time. In other words, he lived intentional life. Life has to be intentional. You can’t just respond to the situations and to be intentional. You have to know what you want and through prayer you’re awakened and you know what you want. That’s what prayer does.

Taking Care of the Needs of Others

Good life Number four, take care. Take care of the needs of others. That is a good thing to do. That is what a good person does. You don’t have to save the world. You cannot save the world, but at least be mindful of the person in need around you. As we live the life of taking care of others’ needs, our life comes alive. We are made that way. Our DNA is made that way by making other people happy, you will become happy. By making others miserable, You’ll become miserable. That’s what our DNA does, so always take care of the needs of others. The real joy comes not just from heading full of hope. Real joy comes from serving others, making others happy. That’s when you become really joyful. Being selfish makes you happy. That’s not true. You experienced that. Being selfish makes you unhappy, miserable. You get things only for yourself. In the beginning is good, but soon you realize that you become miserable. You complain, and you’ll get more dissatisfied when you live just for yourself, so being selfish makes you happy, that’s wrong assumption, a wrong theory. You don’t want to be around selfish people. Selfishness destroys human spirit. America first. It’s not a good slogan,  is that a good slogan? United, we stand divided We Fall thats a good slogan. by giving what you have to others, you have less. That’s Reagan’s understanding, but that’s not true. By giving away what you have to others, everybody becomes abundant,abundance. When you share the abundance, all become abundant. Abundance is created by abundance.

Generous Heart

We human beings are created to take care of each other. That’s the only way for us to survive. Good life Number five, be generous, be generous, have a generous heart, and you will experience the abundance of life. Make that as your life principle. Be Generous in sharing your abundance, your experience abundance. Be a blessing wherever you are. If money is required to be a blessing give if forgiveness is required to be a blessing, forgive.if your presence is required to be a blessing Give your a presence. Be present for that. God blesses the generous heart. These are five pillars of good life and we need to build our life on these good five pillars. These days I’m a little bit busier than before because I’m writing every day, the inner voice. I send every morning a very short five minute you can read and then meditate because I just want people to start a day with good thought rather than negative, gloomy thought. And then just let that let them think about it all the time.

Joy of Life

Even though it is a difficult, I do that to share something good. And in these 140 people, some of, send me email saying that, you know, thank you for the word. And it has helped me greatly. And then I become really happy. I become really abundant in that way. But these 140 people, many of them also send to other 10 people, they say they are very busy in the morning because as soon as they receive it, they send it. I want you to live a good life and to build a good life. You need these five pillars. Then you will experience the happiness, abundance, and joy and of life.

]]> 0 Scripture Passage Romans 12:12-13 {Sermon} Scripture in Text Five Pillars of Life Romans Chapter 12 verse 12 and 13 “Rejoice in hope. Be patient in suffering. Persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers”. I think this scripture shows us what good life is and how we should live [...] No No 15:24 Rev. In Kee Kim